Uplifting Communities Since 2013

The Global Pioneers is a non-profit organization that brings effective solutions for a better society to communities around the world through volunteer efforts and the establishment of grass roots groups.

Through the efforts of volunteers and the coordination of grass roots groups the world over, we have educated and brought help to hundreds of thousands of men, women and especially children in combatting immorality, illiteracy and drug addiction. 

Volunteer With us

Sign up as a volunteer and take an active role in making a better world. 

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Get Help From Us

We provide effective community solutions to combat illiteracy, drugs and crime.

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Make A Donation

Donate to our volunteer activities and make the world a better place.

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Our Motto Is: Empowerment

No matter how bad the situation… It IS possible to do something about it!

Here Is How We Make A Difference!

Drug Abuse Prevention

With gateway drugs being more and more popular not just amongst adults but especially amongst the youth as well, drugs are destroying communities, families and individual lives alike.

On average 35 million suffer from drug addictions world wide, but only 1 in 8 can get access to rehabilitiation.

Each drug addiction case leads to dozens of lives ruined.

That is why its our mission to prevent drug addiction through education and help rehabilitation of affected individuals through our programmes. Find out more.

Effective School Education

Equipped with the study technology from Mr. L. Ron Hubbar. Our volunteers daily change the lives of thousands of students by aiding pupils learning how to learn. 

With seminars, courses and study packs delivered to a new school every day, we uplift communities through better education where students can finally be able to actually learn and use what they learn, not just pass exams.

Ethics Education


Human Rights Protection


Criminal Reform


Mental Health Improvement


Life Skills


Not just a number, each digit represent a person saved/helped.

How It Works

We Are The Global Pioneers​

Global Pioneers was established back in _____ by Mike Campbell and Cary Goulston with the purpose of pioneering social betterment programmes across the globe (hence in our name: “Global”). 

We were nothing but a few enthusiastic volunteers helping our and others’ communities the best way we could.

At first it was just helping our communities to make better life choices by distributing the “How To Make Good Choices” guides on the streets to random passerbys, to schools and educators and to corporations. 

This initial project saw a huge support from local men and women that cared about the wellbeing of their neighbors. This lead to lower crime rates, cleaner streets, more succesfull people in business, mentally, phyiscally and life. 

Little while later The Global Pioneers expanded and received govermental support from many nations around the world and saw a sky high ammount of volunteers numbering in the hundreds.





Results Speak For Themselves


7 Billion


Criminal Rehabilitation & Prevention

Human Rights Programmes

Study Technology

Morals & Ethics Implementation

Drug Education & Prevention


Not Just Education, Actual Change



Making Good Choices

Effective youth and school education for higher morals.

Drug Rehabilitation

Effective drug education and rehabilitation.

Human Rights

Effective human rights education and programes.

Criminal Rehabilitation

Effective criminal rehabilitation and crime prevention resources.

Ethics & Prosperity

Effective ethics seminars and webinars

Life Skills

Effective life skills trainings for communication, business, finances and stress management

Real Results, Real Pitchures

Global Pioneer Volunteers In Action

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Frequently Asked


Which Countries Do You Operate In?


How Can I Donate To Your Cause?


What Do I Get For Donations?


How Do You Use Donations?


I'm Looking To Volunteer, How Can I Join?


How Can I Verify Your Claims & Transparency?


How Can Your Programmes Be So Efefctive?


Do You Work With Governments?


Do You Work With Corporations?


You Do All Of This For Free?


Can you start a project in my area?


Im in trouble! Can You help me?


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